Zmena vs Transformácia

Zo systemickej perspektívy

Kedy: 07. 03. 2020 - 08. 03. 2020
Kde: Bratislava
Čas: 09:30 - 18:00
Lektor: Marion Latour (NL)

Zmena vs. Transformácia zo systemickej perspektívy

Motýľ sa často používa ako príklad transformácie pod ktorým si predstavujeme transformáciu ako romantický proces. Ako keby sa húsenica dobrovoľne zakuklila, lebo vie, že s troškou trpezlivosti sa stane krásnym motýľom, ktorý očarí každého.

Transformácia znamená, že keď prechádzate týmto porcesom, tak neviete, kde sa ocitnete ked’sa tento proces ukončí. Viete však, že sa niečo bude musieť zmeniť až na úrovni identity: ako firma/organizácia sa stanete niečím iným.

Pri zmene máte cieľ, ktorý vám môže poskytnúť smer a vedenie. Pri transformácii však takúto podporu nemáte. Čo teda poskytuje usmernenie transformácií? Ak sa transformujete sami, máte sami seba, ale čo keď sa transformujete s celým tímom alebo organizáciou?

V tomto dvojdňovom workshope sa zameriavame na transformáciu na individuálnej (osobnej) úrovni, v tímoch a organizáciách:

  • začneme s predstavením transformácie a zmeny zo systemického hľadiska
  • budeme pracovať s konkrétnymi prípadmi 
  • urobíme niekoľko cvičení

Workshop bude viesť Marion Latour (NL) z Inštitútu Berta Hellingera v Holandsku.

Sasinkova 21, Bratislava

do 31.januára … 335 bez DPH (402 s DPH)
od 01.februára … 385 bez DPH (462 s DPH))
(Miesto na tréningu je záväzne rezervované po zaplatení zálohy 100€.)

We often use the butterfly as an example of transformation, but with it we introduce a romantic image of transformation. As if the caterpillar voluntarily becomes a doll because he knows that with a little patience he or she will become a beautiful butterfly that will enchant everyone.

With transformation you go through a process where you do not know where you end up on the other side of the process. But you know that something will have changed at identity level: as an organization you have become something else.

With a change process you have a goal that can give you direction and guidance. With transformation you do not have that support. What does it provide guidance? If you are in transformation on your own, you have yourself, but what if you are transforming with an entire team or organization?

In this two-day workshop we look at transformation on a individual (personal) level and in teams & organizations. We start with an introduction of transformation and change from a systemic perspective. We work with cases and will do a number of exercises.

Sasinkova 21, Bratislava (Slovakia)

till 31.januára … 335 bez DPH (402 s DPH)
from 01.februára … 385 bez DPH (462 s DPH))

Marion Latour

For 19 years Marion has been contributing from several leadership positions within the fire brigade and the police. From 2013 she combined systemic intelligence with her work at the fire brigade. “Each organization and person has systemic intelligence, but every person and organization has its own ways to discover it”. Marion finds it a challenge to unravel that puzzle and to discover the starting point of a movement.

Since end of 2017 she is working full-time at the Bert Hellinger Institute in the Netherlands as trainer in several courses and as systemic coach. How can you awaken the systemic consciousness and intelligence in people and organizations? These types of questions was triggering her enormously, first because she understand the meaning and feeling of systemic awareness, and second because the results can make space for change and transformation.

She also enjoys working with the systemic wisdom of horses, therefore she is giving the workshops ‘Systemic work with the intelligence of horses’, both personal and organizational issues of individuals and teams.

Together with her husband and his children, she is enjoying nature, their horses and other animals on their farm at an inspiring place in Drenthe in the Netherlands.


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