Structural constellations…

spiral Dynamic Intensive and excursion to Integral

Kedy: 05. 07. 2016 - 08. 07. 2016
Kde: « Le Monde en Soi » – Waterloo
Čas: 10:00 - 17:00
Lektor: Rolf Lutterbeck

The Spiral Dynamics model is derived from the original thinking of Dr. Clare W. Graves. Human nature emerges along a developmental path from one equilibrium state to the next. These can be viewed as stages wherein each layer adds new elements to all that came before; in turn, each stands in preparation for a next phase which may or may not come. Every „level of human existence“ offers a particular viewing point for the real world as defined by its unique set of perceptual filters. These diverse reality views lead to very different decision-making approaches, organizing principles for business, economic and governance models, and ideas of what appropriate, effective living means.


  1. BEIGE based on biological urges/drives; physical senses dictate the state of being
  2. PURPLE threatening and full of mysterious powers, spirit beings which must be placated/appeased
  3. RED like a jungle where the tough and strong prevail while the weak serve; nature is an adversary
  4. BLUE controlled by a Higher Power that punishes evil and rewards good works and Right living
  5. ORANGE full of resources to develop and opportunities to make things better and bring prosperity
  6. GREEN the habitat wherein humanity can find love and purposes through affiliation and sharing
  7. YELLOW a chaotic organism where change is the norm and uncertainty a usual state of being
  8. TURQUOISE a delicately balanced system of interlocking forces in jeopardy in human hands

From the integral point of view spiral dynamics is one of many development models of the “inner world” (in the left quadrants of Ken Wilbers AQAL map).


“4 Days Spiral Dynamics Intensive and Excursions to Integral”

Practical application of the Spiral Dynamics model in particular in the fields of coaching, consulting, training, management, therapy…

Having the opportunity to apply the spiral dynamics model in business and everyday life and deal more intensively with the levels of development.
– Why don’t questionnaires show, at what level the focal point of a person is?
– How do I recognize through specific questions, where people are in their value-development?
– How can I better understand and communicate with them?
– Where do I stand myself?

– Introduction to Spiral Dynamics Integral (depending on prior knowledge)
– Level-specific communication (How do I talk blue to blue, orange to orange, etc.?
– Spiral Dynamics in business contexts (leadership, cultural change)
– Level analysis by sentence completion test
– Practice of analyzing-interviews; asking the right questions; what shows me the answer?
– Where am I in my development and which levels are not yet well integrated?
– Spiral-Dynamics-Constellations

Rolf Lutterbeck studied computer science at the University of Dortmund at the beginning of the seventies (diploma in Informatics). Since the beginning of 1996 he has been an independent consultant, coach and trainer for managing directors, executives, businessmen, independent service providers and private persons. His integral-systemic approach is based on the integral theory of Ken Wilber and the systemic principles and structural constellation work of Prof. Varga of Kibéd (university of Munich). He is co-founder and trainer of the DIA (Die Integrale Akademie) and member of infosyon (International Forum for System Constellations in 2 Organisations). He is a certified Master Trainer DVNLP and Master Coach DVNLP.

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