Kurz je vhodný pre koučov, pracovníkov HR a manažérov, ktorých zaujíma systemická práca a zameriava sa na:
* ako počuť systemické aspekty a viesť systemický dialog – rozvíjanie schopnosti “zoom out”
* ako rozvíjať systemické vnimanie, základné postupy a teória systemickej práce
* ako cez systemické nástroje rozšírovať možnosti klienta pri dosahovaní cieľov
Obsah kurzu:
* rozdiel medzi systemickým a analytickym spôsobom koučingu
* vhľad? porozumenie? riešenie? – čo je vhodný výsledok pre klienta
* postoje a zručnosti v systemickom koučingu, systemické vnímanie a schopnosť pýtať sa systemickým spôsobom
* dve možnosti ako pracovať s cieľmi: od klienta k cielu, alebo od prichádzjúcej budúcnosti smerom ku klientovi
* systemicko-fenomenologická teória v koučigu
* systemické princípy v praxi: čo je a čo nie je možné pre jednotlivcov a organizácie
* 4 fázy systemického koučingu
* podstata systémovej dynamiky pri koučovacich rozhovoroch v organizáciach
* praktické cvičenia ako nástroj v individuálnom koučingu
Iveta Apine – koučka, facilitátorka a trénerka systemickej práce. Zakladateľka Systemic Constellation Center Riga (www.constellationsriga.lv), trénerka Bert Hellinger Institut Netherland.
do 31.12.2019 … 169 s DPH
od 01.01.2019 … 199 s DPH
This training is suitable for people who are familiar with coaching and use coaching skills as part of their work as coaches, team/organisational leaders or HR professionals. Training will build on:
* listening and questioning skills by learning to zoom-out, listen for the systemic aspects and building systemic dialogue;
* develop coaching presence quality through learning the systemic perception, basic phases and theory underlying systemic coaching;
* enlarge the scope of activities that can help the clients to reach their goals through working with systemic tools.
Topics of training:
* systemic vs. analytical mode in coaching;
* what is a good outcome for clients: insights? understanding? solution?
* attitude and skills in systemic coaching, asking systemic questions, systemic perception as listening quality;
* working with goals two-folded ways: from us towards the goals and from the emerging future towards us;
* system-phenomenological theory and how we meet it in coaching;
* what is and what is not possible any more when applying systemic principles to individuals and organisations;
* four phases of systemic coaching;
* systemic dynamics in essence and how we meet them in coaching conversations in organisational setting;
* practical systemic exercises as instruments in individual coaching sessions.
Iveta Apine, Systemic coach, facilitator and systemic work trainer. Founder of Systemic Constellations Center Riga (www.constellationsriga.lv), affiliated trainer of Bert Hellinger Institute Netherland.
Professional background: professional business training experience of more than eighteen years, executive coaching experience of ten years, ICF (International Coaching Federation) Latvia founding board member (2009), member of ISCA (International Systemic Constellations Association). Academic education in international business, futher extensive studies of organisational and family constellations, systemic coaching and consulting with Hellinger Sciencia, BH Institute Netherland, Moscow Institute of Systemic Solutions and Consulting, International Systemic Constellations Association.